How It Works
Contract Negotiation
Contract Negotiation
ShipLion helps clients improve their ship­ping costs by nego­ti­at­ing world-class pric­ing agree­ments. We lever­age decades of indus­try expe­ri­ence and knowl­edge, pro­pri­etary soft­ware, and pric­ing trans­paren­cy to ensure that you have the best agree­ment pos­si­ble while pre­serv­ing car­ri­er and ven­dor relationships. 
“As the CFO of a lead­ing appar­el design and man­u­fac­tur­ing com­pa­ny, I have a fidu­cia­ry respon­si­bil­i­ty to ensure we increase our bot­tom line — and ShipLion helped make it hap­pen… ShipLion man­ages to come in and aver­age $250K in addi­tion­al sav­ings. When the job seems impos­si­ble, ShipLion will get it done.”  – Yael Fogel, Amerex Group 
“As the CFO of a lead­ing appar­el design and man­u­fac­tur­ing com­pa­ny, I have a fidu­cia­ry respon­si­bil­i­ty to ensure we increase our bot­tom line — and ShipLion helped make it hap­pen… ShipLion man­ages to come in and aver­age $250K in addi­tion­al sav­ings. When the job seems impos­si­ble, ShipLion will get it done.”
– Yael Fogel, Amerex Group
How We Succeed
With our decades of expe­ri­ence and knowl­edge in the small par­cel indus­try, we under­stand just how com­plex ship­ping con­tracts and data can be. 
ShipLion levels the playing field.
Our team of experts, pro­pri­etary soft­ware, and exten­sive bench­mark­ing data­base pro­vide clar­i­ty into your ship­ping and quan­ti­fy sav­ings oppor­tu­ni­ties to ensure top-lev­el results for our clients. 


Our team is com­prised of for­mer car­ri­er exec­u­tives from var­i­ous divi­sions includ­ing strate­gic pric­ing, strat­e­gy, sales, and com­pet­i­tive analy­sis to achieve top-lev­el results for our clients and ensure you meet your busi­ness goals. 


Our cut­ting-edge, pro­pri­etary soft­ware allows us to break down and under­stand your ship­ping pro­file down to the indi­vid­ual ship­ment. We iden­ti­fy every rel­e­vant fac­tor and adjust our strat­e­gy accord­ing­ly to dri­ve down costs. 


Our com­pre­hen­sive data­base includes data from hun­dreds of com­pa­nies across var­i­ous indus­tries as well as strate­gies from dozens of active nego­ti­a­tions to keep our bench­marks rel­e­vant with the fluc­tu­at­ing market. 
Request your FREE Analysis and start saving on shipping today.
Request your   FREE Analysis  and start saving on shipping today.