Understanding DIM Thresholds

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The freight charge for FedEx and UPS pack­ages are billed based on ser­vice, dis­tance (mea­sured in zones) and weight.  The weight is deter­mined by com­par­ing the actu­al weight with the dimen­sion­al weight (the weight equiv­a­lent based on the length (L), width (W), and height (H) of the package).

What is a DIM Threshold?

Most com­pa­nies know they can nego­ti­ate a high­er DIM divi­sor, so that low-den­si­ty ship­ments are not as impact­ed by the DIM adjust­ment.  An alter­na­tive approach to con­sid­er, espe­cial­ly for com­pa­nies who have a small pack­age pro­file is to get a DIM thresh­old.  A DIM thresh­old means that pack­ages below a cer­tain size (deter­mined by mul­ti­ply­ing L*W*H) do not receive a DIM adjust­ment and are billed based on the actu­al weight.

Depend­ing on your pack­age pro­file you ben­e­fit from push­ing hard­er to increase the DIM divi­sor or get­ting a DIM thresh­old insti­tut­ed (or some com­bi­na­tion of the two).

Benefits of a higher DIM Divisor

  • The DIM divi­sor gen­er­al­ly applies to all ship­ments in a giv­en mode includ­ing larg­er ship­ments while a DIM thresh­old is only for small­er ship­ments. (The exact size varies depend­ing on the thresh­old negotiated).
  • The impact of reduc­ing the billed weight on heav­ier ship­ments is often more sig­nif­i­cant since the adjust­ment is big­ger (a 10 LB ship­ment adjust­ed to 9 LB vs 100 LB ship­ment down to 90 LB).
  • Unlike small ship­ments, these ship­ments do not have the impact mit­i­gat­ed by hit­ting the min­i­mum charge

Benefits of a DIM threshold

  • Com­plete­ly removes the DIM divi­sor for the ship­ments it applies to

Which is best for you?

  • Com­pa­nies who only ship small pack­ages are like­ly to do bet­ter with a DIM thresh­old as it can elim­i­nate the DIM impact
  • Com­pa­nies who have heav­ier ship­ments or whose light pack­ages are pri­mar­i­ly hit­ting the min­i­mum charge will gen­er­al­ly ben­e­fit more from nego­ti­at­ing the DIM divisor
  • Com­pa­nies who fall some­where in between (who have a mix of pack­ages, sizes, den­si­ties and ser­vices) may need to try and mea­sure the impact of each to deter­mine which approach is better

Final Note

Note that the only ship­ments that mat­ter for these con­sid­er­a­tions are ones that have their weight adjust­ed by the DIM divi­sor.  Com­pa­nies who ship dense pack­ages may not be impact­ed by the DIM divi­sor at all and would do bet­ter focus­ing on oth­er areas of their contract.

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Understanding DIM Thresholds

Back­ground The freight charge for FedEx and UPS pack­ages are billed based on ser­vice, dis­tance (mea­sured in zones) and weight.  The weight is deter­mined by

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